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 The tree thrives in the territories of North America (Canada) as well as in Northern Europe. There are various sizes and forms of white and red oak, depending on the species and climatic and soil conditions.
It is one of the most easily recognizable types of wood, since its surface has impressive undulations. At the same time, oak wood has a variety of natural shades, from light yellow to light red/brown.
This particular wood is mainly used for the construction of floors, stairs, furniture.
Why choose it: It is strong, durable and stable, with excellent mechanical properties and its high density provides great resistance to stress.
At the same time, the waters and the chrysalis of the wood give a distinct character and style.



 The height of the tree approaches about 49 m, with trunk diameters ranging from 120 to 250 cm.
It thrives in tropical Africa (Uganda, Zaire, Zimbabwe, etc.)
Its surface color is pale yellow. The heartwood is golden/orange to brown. The grain of the wood is distinct and particularly visible in cross-sections where the rings of the wood are also clearly visible.
Iroko is a hard wood and has good mechanical properties. It has increased photosensitivity and changes color easily and quickly when used in applications intended for outdoor environments. It has good resistance to static bending, as well as to compression.
use: Floors, shipbuilding industry, investments, furniture.



The tree thrives in the tropics of West Africa. Its characteristic dark brown color with gray highlights makes it particularly special.
Its enormous resistance to pressure is due to the intense density of its structure, its hardness and the mineral salts of the oily substances of its trunk.
The peculiarity of wenge wood is its antibacterial properties, which protect the elongated parts of the wood from mold, fungi, parasites, and the process of decay.
Use: Floors, furniture, doors, veneers.



It thrives in all parts of the eastern United States, but it is exploited mainly in the central states. . Walnut may be available after drying with steam, with a darker sap, or without artificial drying. The grain of the wood is usually straight, although in some cases it becomes wavy or curly and gives it an attractive and decorative appearance. The dark heartwood as it ages lightens in color due to its exposure to UV light. Mechanical Properties: Walnut wood is hard and has moderate density, moderate bending and impact strength, and low durability. It is among the species that can be bent well with steam.
Durability: This species is classified as very resistant to hardwood rot, in fact it is one of the most resistant species even when exposed to conditions that favor rot.
Uses: Floors. High quality furniture, linings, doors, decoration.



 Bamboo is a natural material, which is durable, has antibacterial properties, keeps insects away and withstands moisture.
There are around 200 species of bamboo, which thrive mainly in areas of Asia, but also America and Africa. The use of bamboo in the construction of houses has been widespread for thousands of years in Asia.
Bamboo today, as a floor construction material, undergoes a special treatment before taking its final form, to be suitable for the needs of a modern home. As a material, it has a smooth surface and can be painted in any shade. we want
It is ideal for the construction of the kitchen or bathroom floor due to its high resistance to moisture, but it offers a special and alternative image in the rest of the house, such as the bedrooms and the living room.



The beech or beech (Fagus) is a type of deciduous tree found in Asia, Europe and North America. Its height reaches 35 meters, with a straight trunk and uniform texture. It is distinguished by the many, thin and scattered spots and the growth rings that end in darker colored waters. Beech wood (after first undergoing drying to reduce the disadvantage of elasticity), is suitable for furniture, panelling, flooring and all kinds of interior construction.



Teak wood is a type of tropical wood and thrives mainly in India, Southeast Asia, West Africa, the Caribbean and Burma. The height of the tree reaches 45 meters and the diameter of the trunk 150 cm. The tree is ready for felling after 60 years. Apart from its beautiful golden-copper waters, its main characteristic is its high durability, which is due to the oil present in the wood. More specifically: it has great resistance to fire, impact, pressure, humidity and even sea water. These are the reasons why its cost is higher than most types of wood, but also why it is so popular in shipbuilding and especially in the construction of boat floors. It is also ideal as a floor for indoor and outdoor spaces as well as for investments.


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